1971 Born in St. Petersburg, Russia
Since 1994 living in Germany
1982-1989 studied at the Leningrad Secondary Art School, Russia
1989-1994 studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, Russia
1995-1997 studied at the Nuremberg Academy of Fine Arts (Prof.Johannes Grüzke), Germany
2018-2020 exclusive contract and work on large format paintings for a private art collection, Augsburg, Germany
2022 Gallery Benjamin Eck, München, Germany
2016 "Fetisch", Gallery Weihergut, Salzburg, Austria, (catalogue)
2014 Gallery Weihergut, Salzburg, Austria
2011 "Ikonen der Apokalypse" Ikonen Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, (catalogue)
2011 Gallery Weihergut, Salzburg, Austria
2010 Gallery Brandt, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2009 Gallery Art Affair, Regensburg, Germany
2008 "The Secret Room" The State Russian Museum and Ludwig Museum in The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, (catalogue)
2008 Gallery Weihergut, Salzburg, Austria
2008 Gallery Noordeinde, The Hague, The Netherlands
2007 Gallery Weihergut, Salzburg, Austria
2006 Gallery Weihergut, Salzburg, Austria
2005 Gallery Noordeinde, The Hague, The Netherlands
2005 Gallery Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2023 The LA ART SHOW, Los Angeles, Gallery Arcadia Contemporary, USA
2018 "Russische Kunst heute", Osthaus Museum, Hagen, Germany, (catalogue)
2017 "On the History of European Realism", Pictura Groningen, The Netherlands
2017 WIKAM , The Vienna Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2017 ART VIENA , Leopold Museum, Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2016 Permanent exhibition at the MACS - Museum of Contemporary Art, Catania, Italy
2016 Resistencia, Tradicion y Apertura", Branch of The State Russian Museum, Malaga, Spain, (catalogue)
2016 ART AND ANTIQUE, Hofburg, Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2016 WIKAM ,The Vienna Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2015 "And i see a darkness", Galerie Artdocks, Bremen, Germany
2015 "Russia. Realism XXI Century", The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, (catalogue)
2015 ART AND ANTIQUE, Hofburg, Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2015 ART FAIR KÖLN, Gallery Stoerpunkt, Munich, Germany
2015 "The Stampfer Collection", Liechtenstein National Museum, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
2015 ART AND ANTIQUE, Residence Salzburg, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2015 WIKAM , The Vienna Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2015 "Night on Earth", Moholy Nagy Galerie, Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin,Germany
2015 "Winter Selection", Gallery Arcadia Contemporary, New York, USA
2015 The LA ART SHOW, Los Angeles, Gallery Arcadia Contemporary, USA
2015 Gallery Art Affair, Regensburg, Germany
2014 Galerie Artdocks, Bremen, Germany
2014 ART FAIR KÖLN, Gallery Stoerpunkt, Munich, Germany
2014 ART AND ANTIQUE, Hofburg, Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2014 REALISM BIENNIAL, The Fort Wayne Museum of Art in Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
2014 "Summer group exhibition", Gallery Arcadia Contemporary, New York, USA
2014 ART AND ANTIQUE, Residence Salzburg, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2014 WIKAM , The Vienna Künstlerhaus Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2014 SCOPE ART SHOW, New York, Gallery Arcadia Contemporary, USA
2014 ART WYNWOOD, Pavilion Midtown Miami , Gallery Arcadia Contemporary, USA
2014 The LA ART SHOW, Los Angeles, Gallery Arcadia Contemporary, USA
2013 ART AND ANTIQUE, Hofburg, Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2013 "Born to fly... and crawl" The State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg, Russia, (catalogue)
2012 ART AND ANTIQUE, Residence Salzburg, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2012 WIKAM , The Vienna Künstlerhaus Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2011 L Arte Contemporaneo in Russia 1950-2011 "Russian contemporary art selected works from a private collections", Villa Pagano, Roma, Italy, (catalogue)
2011 L Arte Contemporaneo in Russia 1950-2011 "Russian contemporary art selected works from a private collections", Palazzo Caetani, Fondi, Italy, (catalogue)
2011 "Russia Today" Nadja Brykina Gallery, Zurich, Swiss, (catalogue)
2011 "MM - Mythos Marilyn" die städtische Gallery "Leerer Beutel", Regensburg, Germany, (catalogue)
2010 "MM. Die Ikone Marilyn Monroe" Ikonen Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, (catalogue)
2010 30 Jahre Gallery Weihergut, Salzburg, Austria
2010 "Sky" The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, (catalogue)
2009 ART MOSCOW, Gallery Caprice Horn, Berlin, Germany
2009 "The Land of Dostojewski», Gallery Caprice Horn, Berlin, Germany
2009 ART DUBAI, Gallery Caprice Horn, Berlin, Germany
2009 ART AND ANTIQUE, Residenz Salzburg, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2009 WIKAM , The Vienna Künstlerhaus Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2008 "The Poetry of Water" The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia, (catalogue)
2008 ART AND ANTIQUE, Residenz Salzburg, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2008 WIKAM , The Vienna Künstlerhaus Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2007 "The Poetry of Water" The State Russian Museum in Palais Lumiere, Evian, France, (catalogue)
2007 ART AND ANTIQUE, Residenz Salzburg, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2007 "The Poetry of Water", The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, (catalogue)
2007 WIKAM , The Vienna Künstlerhaus Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2006 ART MIAMI, Gallery Frederic Got, Paris, France
2006 ART AND ANTIQUE, Residenz Salzburg, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2006 WIKAM , The Vienna Künstlerhaus Vienna, Gallery Weihergut, Austria
2005 25 Jahre Gallery Weihergut, Salzburg, Austria, (catalogue)
2005 Gallery Art Affair, Regensburg, Germany
2005 Gallery Peter Bäumler, Regensburg, Germany
2004 ART FRANKFURT, Gallery Ulrich Gering, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
L Arte Contemporaneo in Russia 1950-2011 "Russian contemporary art selected works from a private collections", Villa Pagano, Roma, 2011 (catalogue pp. 244-247)
L Arte Contemporaneo in Russia 1950-2011 "Russian contemporary art selected works from a private collections", Palazzo Caetani, Fondi, 2011 (catalogue pp. 244-247)
"Russia Today" Nadja Brykina Gallery, Zurich, 2011 (catalogue pp. 98-101)
"Frankfurter Allgemeine", 17 May 2011 (p. 37)
"Frankfurter Rundschau", 16 May 2011 (p. B3)
"Ikonen der Apokalypse" Ikonen Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 2011 (catalogue "Ikonen der Apokalypse)
"Ikonen der Apokalypse" Dr. Snejanka Bauer, Curator of the exhibition, Ikonen Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 2011 (catalogue "Ikonen der Aokalypse" pp. 6-9)
Vorwort Dr. Richard Zacharuk, Leiter des Ikonen Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 2011 (catalogue "Ikonen der Apokalypse" p. 5)
"Süddeutsche Zeitung", 19./20. March 2011 (p. 51)
"MM - Mythos Marilyn" die stätische Galerie "Leerer Beutel", Regensburg, 2011 (catalogue pp. 26-29, 32)
"MM. Die Ikone Marilyn Monroe" Ikonen Museum, Frankfurt am Main, 2010 (catalogue)
"Sky" The State Russian Museum, 2010 (catalogue p. 98)
"Ди¸" Vitaly Patsyukov "Alexander Timofeev: The Art of a Balancing Act" 01/2010
"Die Welt", 12 Juny 2009 (p. 32)
"ARTnews", April 2009 (p. 128)
"Tableau", 4/2008 (pp. 56-59)
"Collect", 7/2008 (p. 76)
"Mittelbayerische Zeitung", 20 May 2008
"The secret room" The State Russian Museum, 2008 (catalogue)
"The Child is Him and He is the Child", Barbara M. Thiemann, Peter and Irene Ludwig Foundation, 2008 (catalogue"The secret room" pp. 7-19)
"The secret room" Liubov Shakirova, The State Russian Museum St. Petersburg, 2008 (catalogue "The secret room" pp. 21-25)
"The Power of Water" The State Russian Museum, 2008 (catalogue p. 86)
"The Poetry Of Water" The State Russian Museum, 2007 (catalogue p. 131)
"NeuroTransmitter", 4/2005 (pp. 118-119)
"Art Profil", 2/2004 (pp. 50-52)
"NeuroTransmitter", 11/2003 (pp. 96-97)